Resources: Prayers: Anthology of Poetry, 2019 by Joel Howard
Prayers: Anthology of Poetry, 2019 is the result of an overflow of over 500 poems that Joel Howard and others wrote at Connected and Useful, a community blogsite, throughout 2018 and 2019. Based out of New Jersey, USA, and founded by Joel Howard in 2019, Connected and Useful seeks to encourage others through daily, biblical and creative expressions of the gospel of Jesus Christ... (Scroll down for a sneak preview of the first 25 pages of the book's manuscript)
Paperback copies and ebook available now at and now for a limited time available here at 25% off through C&U (use link below)!!!
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link to buying single or bulk copies of Joel’s new book: Prayers: Anthology of Poetry, 2019, available worldwide at all marketplaces (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, and more) but available directly through C&U for a limited time at 25% off the list price!!
Remember, this applies to orders within the U.S. only, available here for a limited time! For orders in other regions, contact us directly or buy from Amazon where available worldwide.
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Anthology of Poetry
by Joel Howard
1st edition
Anthology of Poetry
About – Prayers: Anthology of Poetry, 2019 is the result of an overflow of over 500 poems that Joel Howard and others wrote at Connected and Useful, a community blogsite, throughout 2018 and 2019. Based out of New Jersey, USA, and founded by Joel Howard in 2019, Connected and Useful seeks to encourage others through daily, biblical and creative expressions of the gospel of Jesus Christ. For more information about Joel Howard and other contributors at Connected and Useful, please visit our site at
This publication is dedicated to the late Dr. G. Edna Howard and Rev. Richard Gantz for their constant inspiration over the years
Copyright and contact information – This publication is copyrighted and the rights are fully owned by Joel Howard ©2019-20. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be shared or sold electronically or in print or by any other means without prior written consent from Joel Howard. For contact, please email or call our office at 1-856-300-2532 Mondays-Fridays between 8am and 4pm EST., USA.
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.comThe “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™
Where indicated, scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Context for Anthology of Poetry:
“Pain hurts … but pain can be a gift. There’s a character which can be forged in no other way. The pain I’ve observed in my son Joel's life is that kind of pain — and the character I see in him is a gift.
That God has gifted Joel to put words to his process helps us see gift in places where discomfort might distort our vision. Reading Joel’s poems helps me see not only the pain, but also the creative, powerful, transforming presence of Jesus.”
- Nate Howard, Superintendent
Eastern PA District, C&MA
Eastern PA District, C&MA
“I have found during this very difficult year of my life that there are very few people to process my pain with better than Joel Howard. He taught me to not run from my emotions/hard times but to sit with them, to bring them to Jesus as Jesus had gifts to give me in those places. Joel was willing to sit and listen, ask insightful questions and listen some more. Over and over, he would pray for me and speak insights from his life or words from God that were precise for my situation.
Did I tell you all of that just because he is my son? No, I just want to commend Joel to you as someone to invite into your own journey as well. You will find His prayers and poems are treasures straight from his own daily times of sitting with Jesus where he is brutally honest about his real life situations/struggles. After He does the hard work of pressing through the chaos (including spiritual battle and pouring over scripture) out of love he takes the time to put into words what God is sharing with him so others can be blessed as well. You won’t be disappointed.”
- Sharon Howard, Care Coordinator
Eastern PA District, C&MA
"I am realizing that it takes most of our lives to learn to live well and then it is time to learn to die well. What is in between is a great need to increase our awareness of our own hearts—the thoughts, emotions, desires and beliefs that moves us to act and respond to life, to God, to others and to ourselves in a certain way. It is here that Joel’s poems have served me in helping me slow down to look at my heart from a different angle and in doing so often I become more aware of my own heart. Joel’s poems can also confront the tendency in Christian circles or communities to ignore or hide the raw aspects of our own hearts—grief being one of them. Because we seldom make space for “lamentation”, we need to find ways to foster the honesty of grieving our losses. I hope Joel’s poems help the church to be a community that grows in honesty with God and each other so that redemption can be welcomed in places often untouched.
I have known Joel for about 28 years. He was just a very young boy when we were introduced. I have known him as a friend and as someone under my shepherding role in the Christian community. We have also worked together side by side in ministries like eldership, prayer, mission trips, and other serving opportunities. The things that have been constant in Joel’s life are his desire to press into a deeper relationship with Jesus and his ability to be a good listener. Joel knows how to slow down to listen so as to enter other people’s worlds. I am thankful for the grace God has given Joel to persevere during the dark times as well as the times where the fog has been lifted.”
- Diego Cuartas, Healing and Restoration Pastor
Living Faith Alliance Church, Vineland, NJ
"There are deep parts of the inner-workings of my soul that are in daily need of Truth's ministering balm. Sadly, I spend too much of life engaged in surface-level activities and conversations that leave the most important parts of who I am woefully neglected. Every day I see others like me who are in need of a deeper kind of ministry. Joel lives, loves and ministers at that deep, soul level. He's been through excruciating times of testing. Those purifying fires of testing haven't made him perfect (he'll be the first to tell you that!) but they have uniquely positioned him to partner with the Holy Spirit in leading others past a superficial desert and into the refreshing oasis of soul-level healing. If you're thirsty (with a nagging sense that something is wrong and you don't know how to fix it) try reading Joel's poems. Maybe read one poem a day. They won't solve your problems but they can steer you in the right direction -- to the places where your deep, beautiful soul touches Jesus."
- Caleb Howard, brother
“Joel’s life is a blessing to our family. He has a gift for words and a gift to hear God. His love and passion for Christ are evident in how he carries himself and the decisions he makes. I have watched him grow in his faith as he fights for truth. He has become a powerful prayer warrior.” (Gloria)
“Joel has been a great source of blessing in the way he supports our family. I have watched him grow into a fighter in the spiritual realm where he is learning what is worth fighting for and what is not. God has taken him into the secret place where he is learning to pray and write his poetry. Being his pastor has been a pleasure.” (Basil)
- Basil and Gloria Watson, Pastor and wife
Vineland First Wesleyan Church, Vineland, NJ
“When I reflect on the poetry of Joel Howard, especially the poetry that he has put to music, I think of a road map. Joel's reflections on the word of God are not simply a word of encouragement or comfort but are a frame of reference to help me navigate life's circumstances. Joel captures what seems to be the heart of the Shepherd for timely comfort and correction that guides and leads to places of life.”
- Greg Hill, Senior Pastor
Living Faith Alliance Church, Vineland, NJ
“‘What makes a man great?’ is a question that so many of us find us asking ourselves. As you read through the poems from the vulnerable honest heart and life of my brother-in-law you will see that it is not possessions, money, popularity or anything material. Through the pain, vulnerability and honesty that you will read in this book, you will see that what makes somebody great is their humility and willingness to surrender their will and to let go of personal expectations; to rely solely on the revelation they have received through intimate moments listening to God’s voice. Like David the psalmist, who was never afraid to express his pain, tears, joy, victory and misery before his God, Joel brings the same heart of expression that your heart will relate to, and offers the Father’s heart through articulate words of artistic encouragement. I am happy to have had my spirit lifted through the words of his heart and I know that others will experience the freedom they seek as they experience God in Joel’s poetry.”
- Anthony Watson, OLY
Copyright, about and contact info ~ 2
Anthology in context ~ 4
Part I
Jesus ~ 9
Prayer ~ 20
God as Father ~ 29
Intimacy with God ~ 40
Copyright, about and contact info ~ 2
Anthology in context ~ 4
Part I
Jesus ~ 9
Prayer ~ 20
God as Father ~ 29
Intimacy with God ~ 40
Part II
Rest ~ 54
Pain ~ 62
Silence ~ 75
Limits ~ 92
Striving ~ 105
Rest ~ 54
Pain ~ 62
Silence ~ 75
Limits ~ 92
Striving ~ 105
Part III
the Cross ~ 120
Grace ~ 139
Victory ~ 147
Jesus as King ~ 160
the Cross ~ 120
Grace ~ 139
Victory ~ 147
Jesus as King ~ 160
Message from the author ~ 174
~ Jesus ~
This is my manger
by Joel Howard
by Joel Howard
This is my lowly, lowly stable
This is my cold, humble manger
None but Jesus makes us wonder
None but Him are extraordinary
Who but Him are worth knees bending?
Who but Him are worth gifts bringing?
All have left me dry and wanting
None but Him are worth adoring
I for one will bring an offering
I for one will make now room for Him
I for one will bow down to Him
Awe on my face bow down, love Him
Kiss His hands and kiss His feet
I for one will bend my knees
This my stable
My heart His home
Place the crown on Christ alone!
Place the crown on Christ alone!
That question is a conclusion
by Joel Howard
"What is there to love about me?
About her...About him
About us...About we?
Why would You take time on sinners like me?
Am I a mess who is just too messy?"
Each of these sentences, each of these words
Point to a banner we wave in the world:
"Even though Christ died for setting me free,
It’s not enough for a sinner like me"
And we're caught in a bondage that we don't see
Each of our questions illuminate things
Places within us that just won’t let go
Let God inside and make Himself a home
God come inside and make Yourself a home!
The inner life
by Joel Howard
The inner life
Is where its at
The bottom of the pile
Not the very top hat
Your inward emotions
Contain a key
To unlocking potential
And setting you free
My people, says the Lord your God
Have healed their wounds lightly
My leaders, says Christ the Son
Have barely scratched the surface
Now I'm undone!
The inner life
Is where its at
The center of the earth
Not the surface of the land
Your inner thoughts
Hold a key
To unlocking your future
And setting others free
My people, says Jesus Christ
Have washed their vessels on the outside
My shepherds, says the Lord your God
Have done a poor job
Of being clean inside
I'm jealous for your heart
I'm jealous for your attention
I'm jealous for your prayers
O My people
I'm waiting for your heart
I'm waiting for your attention
I'm waiting for your prayers
O My people
I approve of you
by Joel Howard
Swift descent
What a moment!
Heaven is downward bent
Gentle bird is sent
"This is my man!
Listen to Him!"
In a moment
Holy descent
Two millennia past
Two thousand years gone
Life moves so fast
I'm sitting at home
Trying to pray
When a hammer comes down
In the same way
"Child I approve
Of this message: of you"
Jesus shines through
The silence in the room
He tells me like fire
That I am His son
His love never expired
And never begun
Before all was made
He had made a way
"I approve of you child"
Is the message today
"I approve of you
And I will show you the way!"
Face to face
by Joel Howard
In my heart
I was made for this place
Meeting with You
Face to face
Relaxing my arms
In Your embrace
Meeting with You
Face to face
Knowing my worth
Knowing Your love
Magnificent God
Jesus the Son!
Hailing Your name
As matchless in fame
Still as a river
Still in this place
Quiet and still
Emptied of my will
Lord have Your way
As we meet face to face!
I don't have to do one more thing
by Joel Howard
I don't have to do one more thing
I don't have to accomplish everything
Where O death is now thy sting?
Jesus has taken care of it all!
I don't have to mask my hidden needs
I don't have to shut down emotionally
Can there be a better greeting?
Jesus has paid it all!
Jesus has paid it all!
Jesus has paid it all
I don't have to do one more thing
Jesus has paid it all
I don't have to surrender to enemies
I don't have to follow their lies and schemes
Can you show me a greater relief?
Jesus had done it all!
I don't have to fall into temptation
I don't have to love what the world loves
Man, can you preach me a greater story?
Jesus has paid it all!
Jesus has paid it all!
Jesus has paid it all
I don't have to do one more thing
Jesus has paid it all
Jesus has paid it all!
Jesus has paid it all
I don't have to do one more thing
Jesus has paid it all
Give silence a chance
by Joel Howard
Wait before you move
Move away from doing
Silent and be still
Ponder Jesus' will
Who before steps taking
Or great undertakings
Remembered how God's greatness
And amount of grace is
Just what you and I need
In the midst of our plea
Friend, stand still at last
And give silence a chance!
Different kinds of limitations
by Joel Howard
I want to, but I can't
To be healthy, but I am limited
To throw further, but the ball won't
To jump higher, but my skills expire
I need to, but God won't let me
To be bigger than the giant standing
To know deeper than my opponent
But my Father, He says "no" to it
Help me, Abba, to go lower
When it comes to temptation to be spectacular
And let me climb down this culture's ladder
For You, Jesus - You know better!
Should I be worried?
by Joel Howard
Should I be worried, scared and undone?
Is life only a game to be won
In which losers know no fame?
Is life just one endless strain?
Or is there room for rest
God do You know what's best?
Have I a Hero who loves not for what I do
But for how He sees me
Who loves me patiently?
God, this is no game
Your triumph ends the strain in me!
My friend
a song by Joel Howard, 2014
I've been a boy
I've been a priest
I've been a worker
I've been a king
I've been a poet
A helper, a kin
I've been in charge
I've been tempted with sin
And I know what is happening to you, my friend
I've seen misfortune
I've been in need
I've climbed a mountain
I've learned how to read
You feel unimportant
You feel alone
I've been through similar things on my own
And I know what is happening to you, my friend
I've been at work since
Before time was made
I've been on journeys
And I've felt afraid
I kind of miss you
The way that you smile
Why don't you reach out
For me, little child?
Cuz I know what is happening to you, my friend
You wonder
You miss me
You're intrigued
You're listening
And these small movements
I see in your heart
So just keep moving
It won't be far
Cuz I've seen what is happening to you
And I know what will happen to you
And I know what is happening to you, my friend
by Joel Howard
Competition - accumulation
How much can I gain now for myself?
My situation calls for striving
If I can gain the whole world, I'll do that as well!
Cain with Abel
The prodigal son with the father
And those who beat up the stranger on the road
Know the story of competition as a strategy untold
Likewise, today, we rage inside:
"Jesus Christ, how could you be so free!"
And it eats our souls just to know:
"Jesus Christ is freer than me!"
Jesus Christ is free indeed
This victorious God now lives inside of me
May we turn the corner and come to our senses
May competition bow in repentance
For there's enough of God's grace to go around
And save the soul that undertakes this plea:
"Let competition bow to Jesus
Oh sinner, lose competition and be set free!"
Soften hardness, shine light in darkness
Watch how God is pure indeed
No competition is living in Him
Oh sinner, lose vile comparison and be set free!
~ Prayer ~
Thank my way through
by Joel Howard
I'm gonna thank my way through
Thank my way through
This day that I'm heading into
Thank my way through
Because its You
Who is able to keep me
Like You always do
I'm gonna thank my way through
Thank my way through
Thank my way through
I'm gonna thank my way through
I'm gonna thank my way through
Thank my way through
This moment I'm heading into
Thank my way through
Because its You
Who is able to keep me
Like You always do
Only You can keep me from falling
From falling
From falling, O Lord!
Silent here with God
by Joel Howard
O brother come sit with me
I am sitting alone with God
O brother can’t you see?
God and I are weeping together
God and I are weeping together
God and I invite you too
God and I are heavy laden
Will you join us praying too?
Can you all spend the night?
by Joel Howard
O I've never seen intimacy
In intercession quite like this
A God who cherishes
The friendship of us each
As I weep and as we pray
God sighs a breath of relief to say
“I needed to hear you cry on my shoulder
O just to hear you weep for me!”
God is not mean - nor is He wild
He just longs for us to stay awhile
O wandering nation, return!
And can you all spend the night
Can you lift up swords to fight?
This will be the battle of our lives!
Face to face
by Joel Howard
In my heart
I was made for this place
Meeting with You
Face to face
Relaxing my arms
In Your embrace
Meeting with You
Face to face
Knowing my worth
Knowing Your love
Magnificent God
Jesus the Son!
Hailing Your name
As matchless in fame
Still as a river
Still in this place
Quiet and still
Emptied of my will
Lord have Your way
As we meet face to face!
Make us the blessed
by Joel Howard
Lack of rest, busyness
We have built our lives on this
We have built our lives on this
Death and threats, lies and theft
Tell my why is nothing left!
Famine at best - who can contest?
This is why our joy has left!
This is why we are depressed!
God! O God! We now confess
Humbly at Your feet repent
We may again enter Your rest!
Grace again be our defense!
Mercy, now make us the blessed
Mercy, now make us the blessed
Call out mightily
By Joel Howard
"(The King of Nineveh) arose from his throne...and he issued a proclamation...'let man and out mightily to God.'" Jonah 3:6-8, ESV
I've left my throne
I'm bowing down
Let it be known:
We're bowing down
Don't taste a thing
Instead bow low
And call out mightily!
Who knows?
He may relent!
He may forgive and forget!
But for now, woe is me!
We're calling out mightily!
To the old and young alike:
Consider what life would be like
If God didn't have His way!
Call out to Him today!
So we say:
Call out mightily!
Give God a compliment
A call to worship the God of all creation
by Joel Howard
"Nice tree!
Nice bee!"
Look at the sky and believe
Walk outside
Our God is alive
Give God a compliment
"The birds!
The leaves!"
Open your eyes to see
In the outdoors
There is plenty more
Give God a compliment
The way the branches intertwine
Captivates this heart of mine
The sun, the skies, my O my!
He is living!
The feel of grass upon my toes
He's with me everywhere I go!
The faces of all kinds of people
He is living!
God made a beautiful world
God made a beautiful world
Before you're caught in Satan's net
Of offense, doubt or full regret
Give our God a compliment!
Tell the Lord you don't forget!
The way He made the stars and sea
The way He ever reveals to me
The breadth and depth and height to see
His beautiful creation!—
Paperback copies and ebook available now at and now for a limited time available here at 25% off through C&U (use link below)!!!
Remember, this is the secret
link to buying single or bulk copies of Joel’s new book: Prayers: Anthology of Poetry, 2019, available worldwide at all marketplaces (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, and more) but available directly through C&U for a limited time at 25% off the list price!!
Remember, this is the secret
Also remember, this applies to orders within the U.S. only, available here for a limited time! For orders in other regions, please don't hesitate to contact us directly or buy from Amazon where available. We would love to attend to your special or international requests for books!!
*For orders outside the continental USA, please contact us directly before placing your order, or order directly through where the book is available in many countries throughout the world! Contact us with any questions on orders!!