The Lovers and The Haters
The Lovers and The Haters
Joel Howard
Is this not the scene
What's on display?
Those who follow
And those who hate The Way?
Jesus, seated in the room
Lazarus, from the empty tomb
Mary, breaks open
Her bottle of sweet perfume
Expensive Worship
vs. Hateful Phrase:
"How could she?"
How could we?
They scoff, they say
Jesus knows it is well spent
Looks down at the woman bent
Looks up to Judas, says
"Proper allocation, my friend"
Jesus loves Judas
All the way 'til
Judas' kiss of compromise
Chooses his own will
Commands them to leave
The sinner alone
Mary, who bows
Before the throne
Dusty now, throne still
Humble human
Holy Heaven
"Watch out for this leaven"
The judgmental do-nothings
The always-say-somethings
"Watch out for the dogs"
The Haters, the empty
Who scrape and grasp
Who willow and whine
At Sons and at Daughters
At "These Friends of Mine"
"Be still, child"
I hear You say
"Don't follow them
Come, come My Way"
What is that
What is that to you?
When you have love to give
Give it, girl
The Haters do something
The Lovers wait
And pour love on the Lord
The Haters roar
The Lovers pour
Loving all whom they see
I love all that I see
Love because of Love in me
Love because of Christ in me