Faithful mystery
Faithful mystery
By Joel Howard
Followed by all I do not see
In this journey, wandering
Kept by all that one day will be
Ever-present mystery
Faith my eyes will always be
Jesus, hidden I in Thee
Left to trust you constantly
You, my faithful mystery
In heaven I will stand
In new, abundant lands
And worship you again and again
At once I will then see
In heaven, hand in hand
With sight, my new friend
O my soul, until then
Join with faith and mystery
Him, the faithful mystery
Questions, doubts a million be
Faithless friends in excess be
Love is cold for most around
Yet I will not leave this town
This place of solemn prayerfulness
This place of rending hearts and rest
This place I have come to know is best
This place of constant mystery
O Jesus my compass be
O Spirit come illumine me
My Father come and take my hand
Enough in such a desperate land
And shine upon your church to see
That though the constant mystery be
Her faith white robes for her earning
The spotless bride her calling
Is formed by faithful mystery
Satan cannot touch this grace
To walk though we don’t see God’s face
To practice now abundant faith
Impressing God here in this place
And angels, death have no more sting
Not life or powers can replace thee
Who gives the grace to ever see
Amidst the faithful mystery
Here in this broken land
Where fallen is and fallen’s been
The story million avenues come
Yet fallen is her summary one
New Adam help me understand
Better Word, sound the command
Give light into our darkness, King
Provide in constant mystery
Delight us, faithful mystery