Layers of sorrow
Layers of sorrow
by Joel Howard
Paint a picture
Buried deep
Is the tone of suffering
Sorrow 'neath
Every piece
David knew
As he'd flee
Place to place
No real kin
'xept the ones
Following him
Ones in debt
Ones in need
Ones with souls
of suffering
I hate to open
And read his book
I hate to go there
I hate to look
Because his suffering
And his pain
Was his then
And is mine again
Like an onion
Like a hill
Like a full cup
Ready to spill
Mine and his
David and mine
Is the same
The same, I find
Pain too deep
Sorrow, for words
Cries so deep
Oft unheard
A cry for God
Who alone wins
I can't run
Away from Him!
I can't flee,
Tho I am hid
Can't escape
The voice of Him!
The presence
And the justice of
A God who loves
The ones who flood
Each night their own
Beds with tears
To them He listens
To them He's near
This my encouragement
To all alone
To all in grief
To all at home
Find in God
In layers three
Or four or five
Or more, maybe
Find in God
The constant peace
For whe're you go
There is He
Whe're you go
There is He