by Joel Howard
It's how you want me
Ever seeking
Like a child
Fair's fair
You are King
I'm Your servant
Owing everything
Childlike dependence
Eager, singing
Not at all embarrassed
Of the childness in me
Faking? Not good at it
Evil? It's scary
Father, I'm running
To you
Of all else, I'm wary
Faith like children
Faith like a child
Daddy, bear me
Up when it is cold outside
I'm cold
I say
You pick me up today
I'm sad
I say
You lift me up today
You shine
Your face
Your smile
Upon me, God
I like a child
Surrender all O God
It's enough
To be a child
No degrees
No bills
No worries in the world
Every day is a snow day
I with you can and will stay
Tenderness is never out of style
With me being Your child
Eagerness is never frowned upon
With me being Your son
Cradle me like never before
Comfort me, I'm not scared to be Yours
Figure out what I could never do
I prefer just being with You!
Isn't that what all children do?!