I can't grasp it
I can't grasp it
by Joel Howard
"Though [Christ Jesus] was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped." Phillipians 2:6
"The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places..." Psalm 16:6
I can't grasp it
I can't have it
I can't chase it
Only get further away from it
The more I see You
The lower I come to
Bowing on knees
Asking, "Mercy, please!"
It's not something
I can hold onto
It's not something
I can attain to
But because of Your grace
I find my place
My limits - they make
Me happy
My limits - they make
Me happy!
God so loved
This little world
Compared to the cosmos
Compared to the skies
God so loved
My little life
I cannot attain it
On the throne He remains
It's grand!
I walk hand in hand
It's grand!
He is God
I am man
It's grand!