Just as significant

Just as significant
by Joel Howard

Silence is just as significant as speech
Just as important as movement is slowness
Just as much happens when we stand still
As when we rise and go forth to teach

Glorious secrets are as wonderful as revelation
Not finding out as fulfilling as knowing
If in that moment Jesus is resting
His purposeful hand on our shoulders with grace

Beginnings are just as important as arriving
Just as significant is sitting than rising
Just as much happens in waiting for God
As when he sends us out to do his bidding

The crushing of goals is just as significant
As the goals that replace them when we are made whole
Our light and momentary troubles are signs
That we are achieving a treasure untold

Seeds being planted are just as important
As fruit being given from the highest tree
Words being spoken when we are yet waiting
Are just as significant as who we're meant to be

"Never despise the small beginnings" 
We are told when we're young, we tell others as well
But great is the shame that we have when waiting
Great is the sorrow in comparing ourselves

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