Age-old test
Age-old test
by Joel Howard
At Eden and Gethsemane
The serpent in both
First and second Adam
God in both
The age-old test
That only Christ passed
Will I rest?
Will I rest?
Christ was offered "more"
Eve, "more in store"
Adam failed the test
Christ chose to rest
The rage of evil lingers
in our wildernesses as well
Today and each day in between
The slow and steady suicide
of trusting in ourselves
When Christ would have
us reside by Father's side
To eat the fruit
is still to rush
To give things time
is still God's mind
Though we sweat blood
to sin reject
The age-old test:
Will I rest?
Will I rest?
by Joel Howard
At Eden and Gethsemane
The serpent in both
First and second Adam
God in both
The age-old test
That only Christ passed
Will I rest?
Will I rest?
Christ was offered "more"
Eve, "more in store"
Adam failed the test
Christ chose to rest
The rage of evil lingers
in our wildernesses as well
Today and each day in between
The slow and steady suicide
of trusting in ourselves
When Christ would have
us reside by Father's side
To eat the fruit
is still to rush
To give things time
is still God's mind
Though we sweat blood
to sin reject
The age-old test:
Will I rest?
Will I rest?